As much as branding is a vital component in the retail and marketing business, it is equally pivotal to have a good personal branding as a professional.

Think of the best of leaders — Ratan Tata comes across as clean and powerful, while Narendra Modi as a fierce taskmaster. Then there is Simi Garewal, who can get people to say just about anything!

It is important for professionals to have a compelling personal brand image. Experts believe that people these days need to develop a brand — especially if they are fed up with their job and want an exciting new career, or want a pay raise; or just want to be noticed at work. Social networking has strengthened the creation of a personal brand and the drive for personal branding has gathered momentum in recent years.

Pranav Kumar, a systems engineer in a leading IT firm, says, “We were surprised when we were briefed about branding in our training session. We were under the misconception that a technical job like ours just revolves around work and were surprised to know that we need to have a brand value to get noticed.”
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Branding has many advantages. It makes easy to position your product in the minds of the customers.Personal branding helps in getting you identified in many.The better is your brand image, easy it would be to sell yourself.It increases one's value.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
brand makes a product most popular . As the product of particular brand more attract the customers.
Branding is very important in selling the products successfully.
Branding increase popularity of products.

Thanks to sharing link.

Be positive
People can purchase any branded product without any fear.So popularity of product is increased by its brand value.
Branding increases the popularity of the product and the sales of the product

brand the product is symbol of good sale of products. because people like to purchase a branded products and hope that product will be of good quality.
But some times it is not true. Many branded products are worst.
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