A poor couple here has 'donated' conjoined girl twins to a local missionary hospital where they were born a few days back, officials said.

The incident took place at the Padhar hospital, 18 kms from here. The twins, joined from the chest to stomach were donated as there was no way in which they could be cured, they said.

Both girls are in 'normal' condition and there is no threat to their survival. The hospital even assured that the twins would be treated free of cost but strangely, their parents - Hariram Yadav and Maya Yadav - wrote a letter of donation on a Rs 50 stamp paper and left the newborns there.

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This is not shocking.This is the state of our country today.
people merely do that to avoid the burden of children from them.
Parents normally can't take such decisions but in this case it seems that they are extremely poor and giving birth to two daughters that too in abnormal condition has forced them to do so.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
This tragedy shows that poor people are still at the same place where they started their life.....
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