NASA's last space shuttle mission this Friday will carry a textbook-sized kit that can convert urine into potable water.

Soldiers already use similar technology to filter out parasites, bacteria, viruses and other contaminants from dirty fluids, including urine, but NASA's adapted baggie system has yet to prove itself in space, reports Wired News.

"This could be a first step toward recapturing the humidity from our sweat, from our breath, even from our urine, and recycling it and making it drinkable," said NASA project scientist and experiment leader Howard Levine, who made a reference to water-recycling 'stillsuits' used on a desert world in the science fiction series Dune.
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This is a good job as our water scarcity is increasing day by day.
Good job, Need of raise understanding of how much water we really use in our on a daily basis.Why no one is willing to talk seriously about save water. If we don’t take actions to conserve water it’s too late.hope everyone is set for World Water Day Events..
Oh thats great development. :)

It would be more helpful for the African countries where droughts are frequent.Surely it will help them a lot. :whistle:
This is a really good work.. :)
Along with this every one must try to conserve water and avoid excess use of it.
I recently read that they are experimenting on human waste to use as making eatable for human in near future. I won't be surprised too see Poo-sandwich in the menu of Macdees. :pinch:

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This is good news as our water resources are decreasing daily.

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