Rescue workers and police have plucked 65 diamonds from the debris-strewn streets of Mumbai's precious stone hub that was targeted last week in deadly bomb blasts, an industry group said Monday.

Teams of workers made the discoveries while picking through rubble and panning muddy monsoon puddles in the Opera House area in the south of the city, one of three sites attacked on Wednesday in blasts that left 19 dead.
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may be that is a place of diamonds but nobody know that.
May be the blasts are done to recover the diamonds and they missed it.
It's not surprising as Zaveri Bazar which was one of the targets is a well-known jewellery market!
No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks but the world knows.....
There was huge loss as it took place in Zhaveri Bazar which is a famous and crowded diamond market.Many people who were engaged in the trade of diamond, have been killed.Among them, few were there from different parts of the country.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Really a very sad incidence in Indian history and I think those diamonds belong to those traders who used to trade in those bazaar....
woh mumbai is also a source of treasure thats why it is on the point of view of terrorist.
Very sad news, may be those diamonds are of those jewelers who had their jewelery shops there.

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