The opposition parties in Uttar Pradesh especially congress are holding demonstrations and protests against rapes so as to suggest that U.P. tops the list of criminal states.

However, statistics reveal that the rape rate in U.P. is less than many other states. It is possible that many cases may not be reported because of stigma but almost the same social conditions prevail in other Indian states also.

However, even a single rape case is condemnable. It is heartening that a special drive is being launched against such crimes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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It's a crime which is alarmingly on the rise in various parts of the country even the national capital has its own disproportionate share of shame!!
It is a issue which should be tackled with great patience. Rape may be common and the victim doesnot feel shy to report the case in some cases.
The government has to take severe action on this.It is increasing daily like a virus the victims are growing up but the government is not taking any action.I think the idiots must have the final destination to their life in live tv so that the cases may decrease.

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Its really a critical issue and Governmentshould take severe steps against rapes.
rape cases more in UP due to lack of education and working system and environment. I like Gujarat which manages best to reduce crime.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Obvious the government of a particular state has to remain alive to its duties but the way Mayawati government has conducted itself so far in relation to rape cases it's a shame!
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