Is it right that our Government has banned the use of alvohols by the adults less than age of 25 in Delhi
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yes,really its a very good move.It cant be banned privately but surely it will reduce the consumption of alchohol by adults less than 25 years.
Actually if they wanted to ban alcohol they could have banned it completely rather than giving the excuse of age...It seems quite funny to me though that voting age and marriage age are less than then the age of consumption of alcohol...
I think it should be banned by all governments and to all people it should be imposed.

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I do not favor selective ban. The persons above eighteen years are adults. I think that any one who earns and is of independent means has to take his own decision as to what is good for him or her. As regards students above 18 years age and still depending on parents, it is for family and not government to regulate drinking.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think it`s not going to work. The prohibition already happened in many states and more illegal activities took place then ever because people were drinking illegally.....
It is good to see Government ban on use of alcohols under 25. Its a wise decision.
Yes, it is really good, and good step taken by the govt. But it would not work out

The selective banning will make them inquisitive and will engage in unfair means to get it.

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In India ban has never worked going by the past experience and only law-enforcement agencies would have another avenue of earning!
In kerala alcohol was banned.But some more powerful is supplied through state's own corporation!!!!!!!

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