M.F. Hussain most talented painter is no more. He died in London. He was suffering from breathing trouble. His paintings include controversial paintings of Hindu Goddesses. He produced a movie named Gajgamini. He is remembered by Bollywood with great admiration. He was terrorized by certain groups.. He had to leave India and live abroad. Yet he was Indian from core of his heart. Our homage to great painter- Picasso of India



G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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His death brings curtains on the life of a celebrated painter and history would judge him on some of the controversies one which surely be the limits of artistic freedom!
He was really a very good painter.Thank you for sharing.
It is sad news to hear.He was our proud painter.But his last days became in a foreign country.

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World lost a great gem indeed. His paintings well be remembered always.
Really very sad to hear about the death of M.F.Hussain....He was one of the famous painters of the world!!!
His death brings curtains on the life of a celebrated painter and history would judge him on some of the controversies one which surely be the limits of artistic freedom!

The matter of limit of artistic freedom also needs some discussion. There is already some sort of censorship in films. It is not possible to censor works of art in this way.

I look this from another angle. Those who objected to Husssain's paintings had no flair or taste for paintings. Only true lovers of paintings who understood art could appreciate. There are also art films as distinct from commercial films. Hussain's paintings were likewise true art and not commercial that any none could appreciate. Also there is difference in layman's approach and professional approach. A nude body may be vulgar but not to doctors treating a patient.

I remember an incident of some fanatic elements entering a university and damaging art work on the plea that this was vulgar even though these were not for public display.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Here is pictorial profile of great Indian Painter Late M.F. Hussain.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


What you tried to stress carries merit but the bedrock of civilization stands on basic fundamtal understanding. I am personally opposed to all kinds of fundamentalism - in any field of life. If an artist or painter or literateur takes an extreme postion overlooking the broad social realities he is neither serving any artistic cause nor any social.Even the fundamental rights in our Constitution are circumscribed by certain restrictions and rightly so.These rights should not be taken as license to do whatever one feels like. Now coming to late M.F.Hussein's works - let me honestly admit that I am not an art buff and even accepting that deficiency I can't understand why a painter overlooked the very basic fact that India is a communally senstitive and any misadventure on the part of anyone can lead to communal violence snuffing out innocent lives.Artists like any other members of society owe it to themselves to discharge their social responsibilities.
I agree with Chinmoy's comments regarding fundamentalism and though M.F.Hussian maybe a great artist with lot of creativity ideas but he has misused his freedom of expression which is not acceptable.
it feels very bad that we can't enjoy his new paintings more.
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