The Union Government is busy with drafting Lok Pal Bill along with extra constitutiona authority like Team Hazare. There is some deadlock. So, some questionairre were sent to opposition aprties and ChieF mInisters. Bihar C.M. righly refused to give his reply inabsence of copyof proposed draft bill. BJP has also likewise refused to give comments. BJP rightly commented that parliamentary opposition and political parties are law makers and not suggestion givers. Ironically, congress led UPA allowed team Hazare to usurp power of law makers and asked suggestions from real law makers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I don't think there is anything wrong in eliciting views of a cross-section of people and poltical parties and even members of civil socieities to prepare the draft bill.When our real law-makers utterly fail in their duties to meet the aspirations of the people that creates an ideal fertile ground for Hazare and his like to pop up and take the centerstage!
I don't think there is anything wrong in eliciting views of a cross-section of people and poltical parties and even members of civil socieities to prepare the draft bill.When our real law-makers utterly fail in their duties to meet the aspirations of the people that creates an ideal fertile ground for Hazare and his like to pop up and take the centerstage!

Congress Led UPA deliberately promoted Hazare team to sidetrack various scams and discomfort at PAC and JPC. When UPA is feeling uneasy with Hazare team, they have begun the gimmick of sending questions to opposition parties and state governments. When UPA gives no importance to C&G report and PAC, we cannot expect them to welcome Lok Pal. Aparently, Nitish Kumar and BJP have seen through this game plan of Congress led UPA.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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