Today is world anti tobacco day. WHO reports that enough is not being done to fight the tobacco menace. Indeed, tobacco kills. We must leacve no stone unearned to fight this menace.

World anti Tobacco day was observed in chennai by forming a human chain.

In Uttar Pradesh, there are two cities namely Mainpuri and Agra badly affected by tobacco use. Cigarette smoking is less prevalent. There is affect of ban on smoking in public places. However, the tobacco powder in small packets (Gutkha) is very prevalent in U.P. Worst sufferers of Mainpuri and Agra. Nearly fifty patients of mouth cancer daily go to local S.N. Hospital. If we consider private hospitals also, the number may be much more. Astonishingly, the Gutkha chewers are witnessed everywhere- offices, parks, shops, auto taxis. There is no ban on tobacco in public places in powder packs (Gutkha). Others also do not object as there is no smoke.

We have to fighton war footing against this devil.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I am particularly disturbed at the way this day is obsersrved in our country. It seems to be like any other day but the fact remains tobacco consumption is alarmingly on the rise and there should be greater drive and initiative to fight off this menace. Thanks Gulshan for floating this thread!
Gutka is a major tobacco hazard in India and it causes life threatening disease like cancer and the Indians are most effected with this disease but still I find so many people everywhere involved with this practice...God knows when their awareness will come!!!
We need to continue drive against tobacco consumption throughout the year and notonly on a particular day like Valentine, Mother's day etc. Many view that pictorial warnings are not enough deterrants. Some more measures like total ban on advertisements, no sale near schools and ban on manufacture and sale of tobacco products need be considered.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The das are celebrated in their own way.But the usage is growing on.

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You are right! Instead of displaying tokenism like observing a particular day of the year we must make it a 365 days affair to fight this menace!
The day observations had killed many thing.We just remember it on that day only.

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