Eminent sportsmen as well as common men give credit for all their success to Godmen blessing and curse their ill luck for any mishappening. The link below explains the mindset of the godmen followers:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Eminent sportsmen as well as common men give credit for all their success to Godmen blessing and curse their ill luck for any mishappening. The link below explains the mindset of the godmen followers:


This is nothing but escapism and self deceit. Lack of confidence in themselves is the reason fir this sort of psyche.
To a great extent it is herd mentality ! Many of these followers are doing it with different aims and purposes.There are some very powerful Industrialists who too follow Godmen when it suits them and I am sure there is some ulterior motive there..but at the average individual level it is groping for something that would offer them help and hope.I would say they are weak minded and don't think or look for solutions within themselves...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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