In the course of electioneering, Gujarat C.M. compared growth in Gujarat to that in Tamilnadu and West Bengal. He also had a dig at giving various electronic gadgets to voters as a bribe. He asked how the gadgets could be used when there is no sufficient power in villages.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I find Modi as a great chief minister, he has really change Gujarat...And that is why he was selected again as the C.M...
I find Modi as a great chief minister, he has really change Gujarat...And that is why he was selected again as the C.M...

Gujarat has industrially developed. However, even before Modi, Gujarat was ahead of others. It depends on people. Gujaratis are more industrious and business minded. Bengalis are artists and poets. Biharis are labor. Tamilians and Keralites are more apt at secretarial work and they make good IAS. Punjabis are successful in business as well as in army. Hence, there is nothing unique in Modi's leadership. Nobody can make Bengalis and tamilians entrepreneurs. If givena chance to be C.M. of West Bengal or Tamilnadu, Modi also will not be able to change people there.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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