Dalao Lama urges restraint by inmates of a monestry in Tibet.

It is not understood what Dalai Lama gains by hostile attitude towards china. The staus of government in exile cannot go on for ever. It will be best for Dalai Lama to disband his government in exile, that is purposeless and instead reconcile with Tibetan status as province of China. Tibet can well flourish within framework of Chinese administration.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Dalao Lama urges restraint by inmates of a monestry in Tibet.

It is not understood what Dalai Lama gains by hostile attitude towards china. The staus of government in exile cannot go on for ever. It will be best for Dalai Lama to disband his government in exile, that is purposeless and instead reconcile with Tibetan status as province of China. Tibet can well flourish within framework of Chinese administration.


The government in exile cannot achieve anyyhing on its own. The Dalai Lama should realize soon.
Dalao Lama urges restraint by inmates of a monestry in Tibet.

It is not understood what Dalai Lama gains by hostile attitude towards china. The staus of government in exile cannot go on for ever. It will be best for Dalai Lama to disband his government in exile, that is purposeless and instead reconcile with Tibetan status as province of China. Tibet can well flourish within framework of Chinese administration.


There are serious doubts whether Chinese occupation is really lawful and Tibet was an independent state until 1949 when China imposed its presence there..


Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In International politics, pragmatism matters most. It is no use going in history too much. China is in actual occupation of Tibet for more than a half century and the world recognizes Chinese sovereignty. It is no use harping on what the situation was before 1949.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In International politics, pragmatism matters most. It is no use going in history too much. China is in actual occupation of Tibet for more than a half century and the world recognizes Chinese sovereignty. It is no use harping on what the situation was before 1949.

Isn't that similar to what happened to India when the Mughals and later the British came to rule India for almost 2 centuries? How does their plight make it any different to what it was for us Indians?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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