Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, who came in for praise by Anna Hazare, on Monday said the social activist may now be subjected to a "vilification" campaign by a certain group "inimical" to Gujarat.
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Anna Hazare may definitely face the music for irrelevant remarks. Let him limit to main object of making and activating Lok Pal Bill. If he side tracks and comments on politicians, he will get lost in various controversies and the main object will get side lined.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I hope he stays away from controversy but he should support politicians whon he thinks are ding a gud job.

But he should be staying separated from any political party
He should stay away from politics.... thanks for the information and the link

If somebody is doing good work , he must get appreciation, irrespective of his nature of job. I don't see any harm in this healthy practice. If we can criticize those who are not doing their responsibility with sincerity, why not to praise those who are doing!!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Annaji is very right when he appreciated Modi's Gujarat and Nitish Kumar's Bihar. Really they are doing good for the states
Whatever be the controversies , Anna Hazare had won the minds of people through this effort.

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Annaji is very right when he appreciated Modi's Gujarat and Nitish Kumar's Bihar. Really they are doing good for the states

If anna intends to maintain his image as and independent and a Gandhian crusader for peoples' rights, he has no option other than to keep aloof from party politics of any type. He is already seen alligning with the saffron camp. Moreover, his image is being blown out of all proportion. The Lok Pal bill was to be drafted and passed even otherwise. Now this may be done a little earlier.

Secondly, the role of political parties especially the opposition cannot be under estimated. Whatever you do, political parties have crucial role. Even the Lok Pal bill will require discussion in parliament and cooperation of opposition is necessary. In all fairness, both ruling party and opposition have to follow constitutional norms and parliamentary procedure in passing the Lok Pal Bill. Any haste will be self defeating. If the ruling party in center surrenders before Hazare for hasty passing of bills without following due procedure, this will be very unfortunate. We have to go by constitution and law and not be blackmailed by extra constitutional persons who manage to arrange a gathering and create an environment of euphoria that is irrational and only short lived.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now anna Hazare fears 'didvisive' forces. But he invited these 'divisive 'forces himself by his superflous utterances on praising and equating chief ministers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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