There are so many short cut solutions to curbing corruption. Many of these are just like the issue of belling the cat.

One suggestion is that brine givers be boycotted. It is easily forgotten that bribe givers and bribe takers are in very big majority. In process of boycott, those boycotting will be boycotted.

There is need to seriously consider the issue of corruption and come with an effective remedy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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We say that we have to fight corruption but we only have a hand in strenghtening it... We all have to join hands and fight corruption...
We say that we have to fight corruption but we only have a hand in strengthening it... We all have to join hands and fight corruption...

How will you fight corruption? This means that you will neither bribe nor accept bribe. You will not give donation for child admission to school. The real issue is that most of us are corrupt. There s double standard. As long as you are benefited, all is okay.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Civil society plays a key role in fighting corruption. Today, this statement ..... role this issue might possibly play in the fight against corruption. ...
The Comptroller & auditor General of India has stated that people must fight corruption and the government will never.

Here he misses the points that it is people who constitute the corrupt political class and bureaucracy, tax evading and adulterating businessmen, corrupt judiciary, donation hunting educational institutes, fake pilots etc. The people as a whole are bribe givers as well as bribe takers. Where are honest people to fight corruption. The organization of CAG also consists of dishonest and corrupt audit staff. It will be better that CAG cleans his own organization and remembers that it is highly unbecoming of an individual in public post to deliver lectures to people.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

To fight corruption each and every person of India should think about it, only few it's not possible

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