This is one of the world's largest and least studied lava lakes.;_ylt=AleKTN1qEL5fbrUP4KT9_U9zWMcF;_ylu=X3oDMTE3dmJkcXA3BHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bl9zbGlkZXNob3cEc2xrA2NyYWRsaW5nb25lbw--#photoViewer=/ydownload/20110323/photos_net_web_sc/1300924255
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What is this?Fire flushing out ? Really horrible pictures to see.

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Oh! This is really hot to see. Unimaginable. A good share by you, friend.
Oh my God! A lake of fire...Just can't imagine how much fire is their within the Earth...
It is incredible to see and also that we are leaving on the top of this fire!

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