Mercury’s first photo from orbit has been snapped by NASA‘s Messenger spacecraft on March 29, 2011;_ylt=AvYKOD52ApJr0ed_Hao1FrMPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTE3N2g3Ymg3BHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5bl9zbGlkZXNob3cEc2xrA3RoaXNpbWFnZXBybw--/im:/ydownload_ap/20100329/photos_net_ap_sc/1269888827/#photoViewer=/110331/480/urn_publicid_ap_org1f2c290821b54442b40b821127203d46
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Technology is growing like this.The new photo will definitely help scientists.

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