Sending obscene and porn mms through the mobile phone on the internet will lead to huge fine and even imprisonment...
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It is a very good step.Nowadays porn is the world of technology!So severe and model punishments are required.

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With advancing information technology, indecent exposures are also more likely. 3G technology enables face to face talk. So, if one is talkong while taking bath, this will be seen on the other end.

We do not have enough police and resources to deal with all such matters. Better the police and law enforcement machinery should concern only with matters concerning financial revenue of government and coercian or oppression of any one. All consensual activities should be left to people and law should remain aloof.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks Abid and Gulshan for sharing your point of view on the topic and I equally agree with your individual view point...
It is a very good step.Nowadays porn is the world of technology!So severe and model punishments are required.

Severe and model punishments need deployment of investigative agencies, policing and judicial procedure that entail exorbitant cost to the exchequer. We cannot afford such expenses for moral policing. Hence, the government should concentrate only on matters of coercion, torture, intimidation, assaults, murders and financial scams. Anything done consensually should be outside the domain of law enforcing agencies.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Not only penalty and imprisonment but they should be punished before imprisonment

I think if the accused is proved to be guilty no relax in punishment whoever it is.

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I think if the accused is proved to be guilty no relax in punishment whoever it is.

There is limitation on availability of law enforcing agency. Moral policing is not worth. Priority should be on scams, frauds, food adulteration, drug trafficking and adulteration, kidnapping of girls and women etc. If you divert police to such things like MMS, vulgar behavior in parks and similar matters, big criminals will be relieved.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A youth has been arrested for allegedly making an obscene MMS of a girl in a hotel .in Sharjah court waives death penalty for 8 Indians

A youth has been arrested for allegedly making an obscene MMS of a girl in a hotel .in Sharjah court waives death penalty for 8 Indians

Law in middle east is very strict in such matters. If some body makes an MMS without consent and a complaint is made, strict action should be taken.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Separate cells are there for such cyber crimes.So diversion of police attention will not be a matter.

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