The nuclear reactor blasts in japan have compelled India also to review safety of nuclear reactors.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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When an explosion occurs at some where we check ourselves.Why it was not carried out so far?

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In the light of what has been happening in the aftermath of tsunami in Japan the issue of safety of nuclear power plants has obviously become very very important.
I think it is the demand of time to check it periodically rather than after a mishap.

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Yes, due to this nuclear explosion at japan we should be careful , due to this there may be harm for our country that is when it rains then that rain may be caused by the nuclear radium. people should not get wet in this rain as it may kill people or harm people with different diseases.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes, I agree prevention is better than cure and we safety measures should be taken as early as possible to prevent some drastic thing to happen in future.
Yesterday I read in Greenpeace website that India Govt is planning to erect a nuclear powerplant at Uttaipur (or somewhat like that).We have to rethink whether it is needy or not.

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