There is virtual break down of law and order in Agra. There are frequent cases of rape, molestation, killing, robbery and even tampering with Bank ATMs. Recently, a trader was killed while carrying cash in his two wheeler. The citizens are also to be more cautious. The police cannot deploy their men to guard every individual. Traders should transact more by cheque and deal less in cash. It is necessary to follow some precautions while make cash transactions.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Thanks to tell this information.
There is virtual break down of law and order in Agra. There are frequent cases of rape, molestation, killing, robbery and even tampering with Bank ATMs. Recently, a trader was killed while carrying cash in his two wheeler. The citizens are also to be more cautious. The police cannot deploy their men to guard every individual. Traders should transact more by cheque and deal less in cash. It is necessary to follow some precautions while make cash transactions.

Its no different in other parts of the country. Once South used to be a peaceful and crime free (Comparatively) . Now its no more like that.
Everyday Whenever we opened the TV to watch the news we only see that people are killed by someone .No good news can be heard.The news of this trader really upset us very much.We all are loosing our security.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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