In an incident exposing the cruel face of teachers, a class XI boy, who was suspected to be using a cellphone in school, was forced to remove his trousers by two teachers at the behest of principal, all under the garb of checking.
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Suc kind of incidents are getting common in schools. We get to hear such news every now and then. :(
The teachers were over enthusiastic in maintaining discipline. If the boy was just hiding the cell phone and not using it openly, they could ignore and just warn the boy not to bring the phone to school. Removal of trousers was unnecessary.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Such acts show that ethics are lacking in today's teachers and harsh treatment is done..
i think the school management should have told to the boy's parents about the cellphone rather than engaging in a cruel act..
School management should have been polite. This incident will definitely affect school's reputation.
This cases are really disguisting, i think there was no need of such an act on the part of teachers... I think teachers are getting really cruel...
All are acting according to the mind at that time.None thinks the consequences.

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Teachers should be punished for such things, they should have warned the student instead of doing this

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