The sex ratio in Haryana has dipped again in 2010 after encouraging signs of reversal in 2009, showing that female foeticide is still prevailing across the state. The health department figures for last year show a negative trend in 17 districts in the 0-6 age group.
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It is very much paining to know that female infanticide still pervails in the state of Haryana.
Punjab and Haryana - these two states have alarming figures in this regard and the situation continues to remain grim.
AS long as mental set up does not change, the female foeticide is not likely to end in Haryana, West U.P. and Rajasthan.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What are the measures the government can take to eradicate this mercy less act?.
There seems to be a no end to such acts as people mentality is not changing, everyone needs a boy... And this things prevails in rajasthan too...
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