Please share your views about celebration of Valentine's day?.Anybody knows the history of the celebration?
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I never knew there was a history for this celebrations and hope any one of our members can write them. For Valentine's Day try to gift your loved one's a gift and make sure not to spoil their mood by giving some worst gifts. I have read an article in yahoo about "Worst Gifts for Valentine's Day" Try not using those.
Valentine's day is celebrated in the memory of a priest who used to help the lovers to get married . He even got punishment for that . After that people began to celebrate this day as lover's day.
Is this true or just your imagination. He really helped many lovers and why he was punished for helping young guns?
Yes there is a story about Valentine..but i think the day is due to expressing his love to his lover..anyhow hope somebody clarifies it.. :)
Yes this day is something special for the lover and they pay everything for that..
I do not celebrate this day much more but said happy valentine to my wife.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I also do not celebrate this day......I hate this day..
because people not celebrating 26 jan & 15 aug propely..
and they Support 14 feb in a great way..this is against our indian culture ....
St Valentine celebrated many youth;'a marriage secretly. He was sentenced to death. The day is celebrated in his memory. There is opposition from some quarters as this is foreign. However, in today's global proximity, nothing is foreign. whatever pleases people is fine.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is not okay to propose at any place. See the link below listing the places where you should not propose to your love on Valentine day or on any day.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Opposition to such conepts shows facists mindset.Let our youngsters decide it for themselves!
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