Governance and inflation have emerged as key risks for India. These factors are denting investor confidence and foreign direct investment flows which have slowed in recent months and are unlikely to bounce back unless more sectors are opened up and policies streamlined, a report showed on Friday.
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I guess inflation being the major reason for FII's pulling out money from Indian market and leading market to 18K levels.
There are so many negative influences currently weighing heavy on the Indian market.Corruption is certainly an issue now!
Inflation was controlled to some extent and now it had broke the rope again.

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No way! If the government has blatantly failed in any field it is especially in its job of controlling inflation!Only a bagful of promises!
Government controls are upto an extent.There is no use by it in some cases.

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No way the inflation is going to get controlled unless there happens some miracle.All learned scholars ruling India and no solution to inflation. :angry:
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