A 21-year old youth's body was fished out from Narmada canal by the local residents on Thursday. The youth was identified as the missing person from Gomtipur since January 17. In the primary investigation, officials found it to be an educational pressure.

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Who do people always find "Suicide" as a solution to all problems?
very poor desicion........................................................................
Management should find such people and give counseling to them so that such incident will not take place.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Suicide is not a solution to all problems in this world.How much suffering he has given to his parents and relatives because of his decision?.
Suicide is not a solution, the coward people do such things, we should face the problem daringly.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The thought of comiting suicide is very temporary.Just talking to somebody over phone can also help them come out of the negative thought.
Those who are not able to withstand the stresses should not be lead to such educations.

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Hello friend i have no interest in this topic so i cannot prefer to give my opinion on that. thanks and sorry for that i cannot comment on that.
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