To cope with the freezing cold, a 50-year-old man consumed kerosene at his Sangharsh Nagar residence on Thursday.
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very sad . I am getting tears . What is the cure to these type of pathetic situations?
I don't have words to say.But Is this the real reason for him consuming kerosene? :(
This is indeed pathetic and rare. It is no doubt extreme cold but it is inconceivable that some one would consume kerosene.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What why a person do like this and are they really not aware of the situation? or doing of some innocence. We have to do some thing for these kind of some superstitious beliefs.
Devigian, this isnot a case of superstition. I think that either he has been murdered or he was mentally retarded.
It is suspicious case as i never heard that kerosine can cure cold.. :(
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