11 years ago
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11 years ago
May be the microphones may be emitting sounds or waves that could reach only the cats.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
May be the microphones may be emitting sounds or waves that could reach only the cats.
That may be the case. Where humans failed animals with their uncanny knack detected the cause. Many times we ignore such meows of a cat and dismiss them.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
May be the microphones may be emitting sounds or waves that could reach only the cats.
That may be the case. Where humans failed animals with their uncanny knack detected the cause. Many times we ignore such meows of a cat and dismiss them.
I think animals have a keener sense of perception which we human beings fail to have ... Dogs too are able to perceive things that are beyond us. We had a case in oiur neighborhood when a street dog which has made the area as its home , went on barking one night and people were annoyed at it, later it was found that there was an attempted theft in one of the houses which probably got foiled because of the dog's constant barking .
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
May be the microphones may be emitting sounds or waves that could reach only the cats.
That may be the case. Where humans failed animals with their uncanny knack detected the cause. Many times we ignore such meows of a cat and dismiss them.
I think animals have a keener sense of perception which we human beings fail to have ... Dogs too are able to perceive things that are beyond us. We had a case in oiur neighborhood when a street dog which has made the area as its home , went on barking one night and people were annoyed at it, later it was found that there was an attempted theft in one of the houses which probably got foiled because of the dog's constant barking .
Most of the animals can hear Infra sounds which have the frequencies below the lower limit of human audibility. This trait makes the animals like dogs to hear what we humans cannot hear.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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