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I must say this thread have some interesting ideas to try out. About me, I mostly write on technology stuffs only. This is my favourite part and I follow it most of the time as I can write good on it. Whenever I get some new info or learn something new related to it, I can make article on it. That's it. ;)

And that's the best way to write articles. Attempting those subjects, on which you have control and confidence will yield better results.
Thank you said by: AKP
I must say this thread have some interesting ideas to try out. About me, I mostly write on technology stuffs only. This is my favourite part and I follow it most of the time as I can write good on it. Whenever I get some new info or learn something new related to it, I can make article on it. That's it. ;)

Yes I am following you closely on tech topics to get an idea about them. Maybe I will learn enough to write a few articles like you.

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Thank you said by: AKP
Thanks Suni... Its good to hear that you too read my work specially when you are my inspiration in article writing.. he he :)

Thanks Suni... Its good to hear that you too read my work specially when you are my inspiration in article writing.. he he :)

I like the way you concentrate on one particular topic, that is not an easy job.

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Thank you said by: AKP
I must say this thread have some interesting ideas to try out. About me, I mostly write on technology stuffs only. This is my favourite part and I follow it most of the time as I can write good on it. Whenever I get some new info or learn something new related to it, I can make article on it. That's it. ;)

Other than writing on a particular subject of interest, it also very much depends on what our current interest in life is , like for example, if you have travelled to a nice place and liked your experience you would want to write an article on your experience, similarly any other experience you have in life would prompt you to write about it..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I must say this thread have some interesting ideas to try out. About me, I mostly write on technology stuffs only. This is my favourite part and I follow it most of the time as I can write good on it. Whenever I get some new info or learn something new related to it, I can make article on it. That's it. ;)

Other than writing on a particular subject of interest, it also very much depends on what our current interest in life is , like for example, if you have travelled to a nice place and liked your experience you would want to write an article on your experience, similarly any other experience you have in life would prompt you to write about it..

Your single interest can be turned in to different write ups. For example writing all about Ravi varma can be written as a Biography. With the same information about Ravi varma one can carve out a write up highlighting his special qualities like commitment, dedication and will to win with a catchy title, “ What made Ravi varma an immortal.”
Thank you said by: usha manohar
I must say this thread have some interesting ideas to try out. About me, I mostly write on technology stuffs only. This is my favourite part and I follow it most of the time as I can write good on it. Whenever I get some new info or learn something new related to it, I can make article on it. That's it. ;)

Other than writing on a particular subject of interest, it also very much depends on what our current interest in life is , like for example, if you have travelled to a nice place and liked your experience you would want to write an article on your experience, similarly any other experience you have in life would prompt you to write about it..

Hmm.. That's right. We can many like that from our experience. In fact it will be easy for us making article that way, we don't have to think about words as we have to write our experience.

Thank you said by: usha manohar
I am not a good writer. I like to read newspapers, articles on boddunan and other site, magazines, novels etc.
So, reading inspired me write articles.

Be positive
I am not a good writer. I like to read newspapers, articles on boddunan and other site, magazines, novels etc.
So, reading inspired me write articles.

Exactly, a writer is first a reader. Often reading gives idea for writing. If you read an article critically, you may find disagreement with author. Then this disagreement will give you article idea.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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