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WEll, the only way I know is to use solar plates.

But how will that help? Can I use it for electrical equipment? By the way we have been using solar cookers for around 20 years now.

One can use the solar plates for charging the mobile phones. But I am not sure if the solar plates can be used for other electrical equipments.
Anyway, as to your querry of whether there are ways to generate electricity at home , there are many ways. Last year, I had guided some children for their science projects in producing electricity out of potatoes and lemons. However, we did in a small scale so am not sure if it will be cost beneficial on a large scale.

Generating electricity from potatoes and lemons? Wow, that's first time I am hearing it. And yes, if one needs it on a large scale, it cannot be cost efficient.

Go for wind power. Wind energy cab be easily installed in homes. Although it takes investment at first but it reduces the cost of electricity later on. Other things apart from that includes the height of your house. you can just google for companies who help in installing those systems at home. Try greenpeace. They will show you the way..

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Thank you said by: Abhijit Dnyaneshwar Bangal
WEll, the only way I know is to use solar plates.

But how will that help? Can I use it for electrical equipment? By the way we have been using solar cookers for around 20 years now.

One can use the solar plates for charging the mobile phones. But I am not sure if the solar plates can be used for other electrical equipments.
Anyway, as to your querry of whether there are ways to generate electricity at home , there are many ways. Last year, I had guided some children for their science projects in producing electricity out of potatoes and lemons. However, we did in a small scale so am not sure if it will be cost beneficial on a large scale.

Generating electricity from potatoes and lemons? Wow, that's first time I am hearing it. And yes, if one needs it on a large scale, it cannot be cost efficient.

Go for wind power. Wind energy cab be easily installed in homes. Although it takes investment at first but it reduces the cost of electricity later on. Other things apart from that includes the height of your house. you can just google for companies who help in installing those systems at home. Try greenpeace. They will show you the way..

Thanks for the info. I hope you know that I come from India. Will the company help me here too?
By having solar panels and batteries you can have electricity in your home. It costs more but gives a good relief from this electric cuts.

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