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Looks like UPA is now in a hurry to do things before the elections so that they get all the advantage ... The comments posted by people show the kind of anti feeling Mehbooba mufti generates ...

You are bang on! I personally feel the judicial process in these categories of crimes should be much faster. In the present case the Supreme Court cleared the decks quite a long way back and this government has bungled it up by making the former President sit tight on this!!!

In the entire history of Indian politics so far, Pratibha Patil can be easily termed as the worst ever president India had, and it is shameful that being a woman she failed to handle issues with more care and sensitivity.She is also probably the most corrupt of them all ...

Though it is really not the time to talk about that lady now, I still agree and share your thoughts. Whenever the topic would raise in discussion, we all felt that Ms. Patil could have been more active.

A president is not good or bad but a rubber stamp only. He is not the one who acts or decides on his or her own.

Why a tax payer should bear a Rubber stamp?

President acts on advice of Union cabinet but he is not a rubber stamp. He upholds constitution and exercises checks and balance. He is the link between administration, legislature and judiciary.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Looks like UPA is now in a hurry to do things before the elections so that they get all the advantage ... The comments posted by people show the kind of anti feeling Mehbooba mufti generates ...

You are bang on! I personally feel the judicial process in these categories of crimes should be much faster. In the present case the Supreme Court cleared the decks quite a long way back and this government has bungled it up by making the former President sit tight on this!!!

In the entire history of Indian politics so far, Pratibha Patil can be easily termed as the worst ever president India had, and it is shameful that being a woman she failed to handle issues with more care and sensitivity.She is also probably the most corrupt of them all ...

Though it is really not the time to talk about that lady now, I still agree and share your thoughts. Whenever the topic would raise in discussion, we all felt that Ms. Patil could have been more active.

A president is not good or bad but a rubber stamp only. He is not the one who acts or decides on his or her own.

Why a tax payer should bear a Rubber stamp?

President acts on advice of Union cabinet but he is not a rubber stamp. He upholds constitution and exercises checks and balance. He is the link between administration, legislature and judiciary.

I too would think so, a president can bring about a change if he decides to do so - Abdul Khalam and Dr Radhakrishna were firm in their beliefs but of course Kalam is facing the wrath of Sonia Gandhi and Congress party even now for doing things right and following rules...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Looks like UPA is now in a hurry to do things before the elections so that they get all the advantage ... The comments posted by people show the kind of anti feeling Mehbooba mufti generates ...

You are bang on! I personally feel the judicial process in these categories of crimes should be much faster. In the present case the Supreme Court cleared the decks quite a long way back and this government has bungled it up by making the former President sit tight on this!!!

In the entire history of Indian politics so far, Pratibha Patil can be easily termed as the worst ever president India had, and it is shameful that being a woman she failed to handle issues with more care and sensitivity.She is also probably the most corrupt of them all ...

Though it is really not the time to talk about that lady now, I still agree and share your thoughts. Whenever the topic would raise in discussion, we all felt that Ms. Patil could have been more active.

A president is not good or bad but a rubber stamp only. He is not the one who acts or decides on his or her own.

Why a tax payer should bear a Rubber stamp?

President acts on advice of Union cabinet but he is not a rubber stamp. He upholds constitution and exercises checks and balance. He is the link between administration, legislature and judiciary.

I too would think so, a president can bring about a change if he decides to do so - Abdul Khalam and Dr Radhakrishna were firm in their beliefs but of course Kalam is facing the wrath of Sonia Gandhi and Congress party even now for doing things right and following rules...

Your statement about Mr. Kalam is right. But remember, he didn’t take such strong decisions like rejecting mercy pleas. Which side of Dr. Kalam is that? I am not accusing, just asking.
President post is not like a rubber stamp, He has many rights and can take some decision as per on his own.
President post is not like a rubber stamp, He has many rights and can take some decision as per on his own.

All know that he has many rights. But what is the use if he cannot use them in the interest of the common man? I didn't see a single president behave in a strong manner. Most of the presidents have been supported by some party or the other. So, its difficult for him to go against them too.
President post is not like a rubber stamp, He has many rights and can take some decision as per on his own.

All know that he has many rights. But what is the use if he cannot use them in the interest of the common man? I didn't see a single president behave in a strong manner. Most of the presidents have been supported by some party or the other. So, its difficult for him to go against them too.

we are a parliamentary democracy. The union cabinet headed by Prime minister is mainly responsible for all decisions and is answerable to parliament. Instead of expectations from President, we should have from union cabinet. In fact, we elect MPs and not President. As the MPs elect President, he mist definitely be one who is supported by major political parties. So, this should not be an issue.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The execution of Afzal may soon take an ugly scenario in this country especially in J&K. Every political party is trying to take its advantage including CM of J&K and NGOs the biggest human rights supporters who demand for the rights of terrorists only as if the security persons who sacrificed their lives have no human rights.

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The execution of Afzal may soon take an ugly scenario in this country especially in J&K. Every political party is trying to take its advantage including CM of J&K and NGOs the biggest human rights supporters who demand for the rights of terrorists only as if the security persons who sacrificed their lives have no human rights.

Yes. Administration have to play a big role now. In Delhi some are protesting also.
The execution of Afzal may soon take an ugly scenario in this country especially in J&K. Every political party is trying to take its advantage including CM of J&K and NGOs the biggest human rights supporters who demand for the rights of terrorists only as if the security persons who sacrificed their lives have no human rights.

Yes. Administration have to play a big role now. In Delhi some are protesting also.

But I was really surprised by the protests made by the J&K CM Mr. Omar Abdullah. I couldn't get to read the entire news. But do you have any idea of this?
Let me lock this thread as the chapter is closed, thanks every one.

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