Justic Verma Panel has not favored death penalty for rape but given many far reaching suggestions like enhancing punishment, making law enforcement machinery more efficient. The link below explains in detail the report.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I am not sure how best they would be implemented .....as of now the rapists and murderers of Nirbhaya must be hoping to get away with a lighter sentence...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Justic Verma Panel has not favored death penalty for rape but given many far reaching suggestions like enhancing punishment, making law enforcement machinery more efficient. The link below explains in detail the report.


I heard and read about Verma's suggestions. Any suggestion is an exercise in futility if not properly implemented.
Justic Verma Panel has not favored death penalty for rape but given many far reaching suggestions like enhancing punishment, making law enforcement machinery more efficient. The link below explains in detail the report.


I heard and read about Verma's suggestions. Any suggestion is an exercise in futility if not properly implemented.

Justice Verma has reported that the legal provisions are okay. But the administration needs be more efficient.

The issue is that police force is not so big that one constable be provided as a body guard to every woman. The police have many duties other than protecting women. In fact, the present police staff is often fatigued and overworked. They cannot even often avail leave. There is more need to change mindset of people about women. Double standards on morality and chastity need be fought.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One thing I understand is that girls must be allowed to carry weapons to protect herself. If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment. If she can kill the rapist, she should atleast have courage to commit suicide. Suiciding is must better than dieing in a hospital.

Rest all laws are implemented for passing out time and suppressing crowd's anger quietly.
One thing I understand is that girls must be allowed to carry weapons to protect herself. If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment. If she can kill the rapist, she should atleast have courage to commit suicide. Suicide is better than death in a hospital.

Rest all laws are implemented for passing out time and suppressing crowd's anger quitely.

There is more need to avoid double standards on morality and chastity rather than thoughts of killing and suicides. In most cases of rape, women are not seriously injured or killed. It is only the extreme cases of rape that need strictest punishment viz. against minor girls, custodial rapes, gang rapes, rapes causing severe body injury and death.
Just remove the concept of 'honor' from rape and the issue is settled. I may here point out that it has been decided to send American women soldier to fight in battle field. Will they not be put to risk of rape by enemy. Possibly they may be raped. even after rape, they will be 'honored' and not put to shame as in India.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One thing I understand is that girls must be allowed to carry weapons to protect herself. If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment. If she can kill the rapist, she should atleast have courage to commit suicide. Suicide is better than death in a hospital.

Rest all laws are implemented for passing out time and suppressing crowd's anger quitely.

There is more need to avoid double standards on morality and chastity rather than thoughts of killing and suicides. In most cases of rape, women are not seriously injured or killed. It is only the extreme cases of rape that need strictest punishment viz. against minor girls, custodial rapes, gang rapes, rapes causing severe body injury and death.
Just remove the concept of 'honor' from rape and the issue is settled. I may here point out that it has been decided to send American women soldier to fight in battle field. Will they not be put to risk of rape by enemy. Possibly they may be raped. even after rape, they will be 'honored' and not put to shame as in India.

I 100% agree with the last line. As we are Indian, we need to live in India among backward thinking people who unnecessarily torture women and blame women for no reason. If she is raped or cannot give birth to a baby, she is rejected both by her parents and in-laws. So many decades have passed and education system has also been changed but the mentality of society and men are just the same. It is a disease.
One thing I understand is that girls must be allowed to carry weapons to protect herself. If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment. If she can kill the rapist, she should atleast have courage to commit suicide. Suiciding is must better than dieing in a hospital.

Rest all laws are implemented for passing out time and suppressing crowd's anger quietly.

"If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment".

I agree with it partially but I Know this would be misused if implemented.

One thing I understand is that girls must be allowed to carry weapons to protect herself. If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment. If she can kill the rapist, she should atleast have courage to commit suicide. Suicide is better than death in a hospital.

Rest all laws are implemented for passing out time and suppressing crowd's anger quitely.

There is more need to avoid double standards on morality and chastity rather than thoughts of killing and suicides. In most cases of rape, women are not seriously injured or killed. It is only the extreme cases of rape that need strictest punishment viz. against minor girls, custodial rapes, gang rapes, rapes causing severe body injury and death.
Just remove the concept of 'honor' from rape and the issue is settled. I may here point out that it has been decided to send American women soldier to fight in battle field. Will they not be put to risk of rape by enemy. Possibly they may be raped. even after rape, they will be 'honored' and not put to shame as in India.

I 100% agree with the last line. As we are Indian, we need to live in India among backward thinking people who unnecessarily torture women and blame women for no reason. If she is raped or cannot give birth to a baby, she is rejected both by her parents and in-laws. So many decades have passed and education system has also been changed but the mentality of society and men are just the same. It is a disease.

I appreciate your understanding of mentality of Indians especially in rural area. The women organization and others should fight this mentality which is main cause of women suffering. In fact, this is unfinished task of Raja Ram Mohan Roy who fought against the Sati system. A woman was burnt alive with her husband's dead body and was 'honored' thereby. still there are several 'Sati temples' in Rajasthan, which 'honor' the Sattees ( women killed with husband's body). It is time that women refuse such 'honor'. .

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One thing I understand is that girls must be allowed to carry weapons to protect herself. If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment. If she can kill the rapist, she should atleast have courage to commit suicide. Suicide is better than death in a hospital.

Rest all laws are implemented for passing out time and suppressing crowd's anger quitely.

There is more need to avoid double standards on morality and chastity rather than thoughts of killing and suicides. In most cases of rape, women are not seriously injured or killed. It is only the extreme cases of rape that need strictest punishment viz. against minor girls, custodial rapes, gang rapes, rapes causing severe body injury and death.
Just remove the concept of 'honor' from rape and the issue is settled. I may here point out that it has been decided to send American women soldier to fight in battle field. Will they not be put to risk of rape by enemy. Possibly they may be raped. even after rape, they will be 'honored' and not put to shame as in India.

Either way it is violation of privacy and rape is as bad a crime as violence and should be treated that way.No one has the right to force themselves on another person. Now, issue of rape within marriage is being talked about, so how can a stranger even think of forcing himself on another woman against her will?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

One thing I understand is that girls must be allowed to carry weapons to protect herself. If she kills rapist to protect herself, she must not be held liable for any kind of punishment. If she can kill the rapist, she should atleast have courage to commit suicide. Suicide is better than death in a hospital.

Rest all laws are implemented for passing out time and suppressing crowd's anger quitely.

There is more need to avoid double standards on morality and chastity rather than thoughts of killing and suicides. In most cases of rape, women are not seriously injured or killed. It is only the extreme cases of rape that need strictest punishment viz. against minor girls, custodial rapes, gang rapes, rapes causing severe body injury and death.
Just remove the concept of 'honor' from rape and the issue is settled. I may here point out that it has been decided to send American women soldier to fight in battle field. Will they not be put to risk of rape by enemy. Possibly they may be raped. even after rape, they will be 'honored' and not put to shame as in India.

Either way it is violation of privacy and rape is as bad a crime as violence and should be treated that way.No one has the right to force themselves on another person. Now, issue of rape within marriage is being talked about, so how can a stranger even think of forcing himself on another woman against her will?

Not to speak of rape, even touching anyone with ill motive is evil. There must be strict punishment. We cannot completely remove society of ill behaved, bad mannered and criminal elements. There is some limitation to law enforcement agencies. What is more important is that the victim should not feel further shame or dishonor for no fault of her. Rape is the only offence that 'dishonors' the victim rather than the offenders. This tendency needs be combated more.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: usha manohar
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