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Some of the points mentioned are okay but ignoring insult may encourage the other party to try some more. I have different ideas to counter such situation.

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Thank you said by: Rajani K
Some of the points mentioned are okay but ignoring insult may encourage the other party to try some more. I have different ideas to counter such situation.

It varies from person to person and the nature of insult
The real issue is expectation. I do not expect respect or love. If others give, this is their outlook. If not, against this is their outlook. If you are not bothered about this, there is no question of accepting or rejecting respect or insult. This is simply irrelevant.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

True if some one is trying to give us some thing and we are not accepting it, how can any one force it on us!!

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Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
True if some one is trying to give us some thing and we are not accepting it, how can any one force it on us!!

This reminds me of an anecdote. Once an Englishman handed over Gandhiji some papers containing abusive words. Gandhiji just glanced, removed pin and threw away papers. The Englishman was surprised at this. Gandhi said that he was thankful for the pin and he threw the other things that5 were of no use.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: suni51
True if some one is trying to give us some thing and we are not accepting it, how can any one force it on us!!

This reminds me of an anecdote. Once an Englishman handed over Gandhiji some papers containing abusive words. Gandhiji just glanced, removed pin and threw away papers. The Englishman was surprised at this. Gandhi said that he was thankful for the pin and he threw the other things that5 were of no use.

And they say if you do not accept it then it remains with the one who is offering it.

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Ok but self criticism also needed otherwise ignore it.

True if some one is trying to give us some thing and we are not accepting it, how can any one force it on us!!

This reminds me of an anecdote. Once an Englishman handed over Gandhiji some papers containing abusive words. Gandhiji just glanced, removed pin and threw away papers. The Englishman was surprised at this. Gandhi said that he was thankful for the pin and he threw the other things that5 were of no use.

Very interesting anecdote. As interesting as Gandhiji's simplicity
Ok but self criticism also needed otherwise ignore it.

Yes, self analysis is of utmost importance before anything else
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I totally agree with that quote you either ignore it when it is undeserved and analyse it when you deserved it...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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