Check out India's fashionable men.
Here are a fashion-obsessed lot. Vote for your own Fashionable man
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I like the beards of Imran khan. He looks pretty handsome in those beards.
Saif also looks good. He is nawab, he has to be.

Want to make each day Accountable

Nice pictures shared! Men can learn a lot form these style icons. But one must have their own sense of styling unique to oneself...the one which best suits you. :)

Live in the present :)
I personally feel that the lesser a man is conscious about his looks and is confident about himself without being boastful and being a show off and also is comfortable in whatever is practical for the occasion is the most fashionable and stylish...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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Just checked. Working perfectly
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