Gross or repeated maltreatment- Indian couple face the Child abuse case in Norway.
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If the allegations are true, trial and punishment in accordance with law of Norway is just and proper. We have no reason to doubt the legitimacy of action by authorities in Norway.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gross or repeated maltreatment- Indian couple face the Child abuse case in Norway.

They have already been sentenced and rightly so ...I was watching the interview given by their lawyer who is also an indian who never said they were innocent but was hoping to bring down the sentence...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
If the allegations are true, trial and punishment in accordance with law of Norway is just and proper. We have no reason to doubt the legitimacy of action by authorities in Norway.

Be a Roman while you are in Rome. The argument, 'My Children, My wife , i do whatever I like" will not work in Norway.. They were already sentenced for 18 months
How can a parents do such type of crime.I don't understand then why they give birth to their child if they commits such crime.

Sharmistha Banerjee
How can a parents do such type of crime.I don't understand then why they give birth to their child if they commits such crime.

Under the name of Parental care, many atrocities are taking place in India and elsewhere too. Now many countries are realising the bad effects of "Child Abuse." We too should follow the suite..
It is said that the son suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

In Norway law, a child must be brought up without punishment

The father was cooking with laddle, so accidently he hit his son

In telugu there is a saying 'dont tell lie or your tongue will be burnt' for which the son took it seriously

Swetha Shenoy
This is sad news. I don't have anything to reply regarding such incident. I have no right to comment on couples activities of killing their son.
This is very shameful thing.

We teach children without beating them, We can't punished to children for silly things.

Be positive
It is said that the son suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

In Norway law, a child must be brought up without punishment

The father was cooking with laddle, so accidently he hit his son

In telugu there is a saying 'dont tell lie or your tongue will be burnt' for which the son took it seriously

In the present Indian atmosphere there is nothing wrong if a parent reprimands kids.Perhaps, the couple were not aware of NORWAY'S," Child upbringing policy
How can a parents do such type of crime.I don't understand then why they give birth to their child if they commits such crime.

Our Parenting will not frown at you if you use physical punishment while upbringing your kid.. Where as in other countries including Norway, its serious case of child abuse. The Indian couple in question were not aware of this. But ignorance of law is not an excuse
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