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Its really a sad news. Its very upsetting when something like this happens during festival celebration. That's the reason I normally avoid crowded place and mostly temples where to have crowd is obvious. :blink:
Its really a sad news. Its very upsetting when something like this happens during festival celebration. That's the reason I normally avoid crowded place and mostly temples where to have crowd is obvious. :blink:

Sad but nothing new, where there is blind faith carrying people to gather in big numbers, any thing is possible there.

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Its really a sad news. Its very upsetting when something like this happens during festival celebration. That's the reason I normally avoid crowded place and mostly temples where to have crowd is obvious. :blink:

Sad but nothing new, where there is blind faith carrying people to gather in big numbers, any thing is possible there.

But one should have some safety hazards too when they know the place would surely be crowded. I remember my last visit to Banke Bihari ji which I found very upsetting management there is not at concerned with stampede if happens there though they get lot of money from devotees but there is no such fool proof plans for evacuation if something wrong happens any day. :evil:
Its really a sad news. Its very upsetting when something like this happens during festival celebration. That's the reason I normally avoid crowded place and mostly temples where to have crowd is obvious. :blink:

Sad but nothing new, where there is blind faith carrying people to gather in big numbers, any thing is possible there.

But one should have some safety hazards too when they know the place would surely be crowded. I remember my last visit to Banke Bihari ji which I found very upsetting management there is not at concerned with stampede if happens there though they get lot of money from devotees but there is no such fool proof plans for evacuation if something wrong happens any day. :evil:

The problem in our country is that life is cheap at least the common mans life is cheap, the only ones who get security and protection are the VVIPs and the whole country works for their upkeep so a few common people dying here and there is no big deal... :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

That's too sad.. Better be careful more careful during such celebration because of more crowd.

There are many casualties in all religious gatherings. This is partly due to maladministration. Also, people overcrowd and do not care for safety. Many even consider themselves lucky to die on such occasions. There is nedd to properly manage the facilities as well as crowds.

That is another aspect of blind faith, there are many people who think they have attained nirvana when they die at such places,we had a case here when an entire van full of people coming back from Tirupathy died in an accident because of reckless and rash driving and the relatives were comforting each other saying what a blessed death it was ! :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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