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Yes, it is very good. Google gives opportunity to see the young imaginative talent who likes to contribute in Google.

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Yes its amazing. Now a days the children's very intelligent and creative. These children's are born with creativity.

Creativity in children is not a present trend. It was there. It's there and it will be there. Difference is very few elders could identify the potentialities in a child.

I agree with you rambabuji. Creativity is always there with us when the human start persisting. Otherwise we cant attain this level of technology what we are utilizing now.

I would like to convey that the modern technology helps them to be more creative in a very short time.

Thats true. I agree with you
Wow.. :woohoo: Really fantastic, all the pictures are mind blowing.
It shows our children's creativity and imagination power. i like all the pictures. :)

Google holds competitions for children of different age groups every year for using for their search engine logo. See the child power. See how they unleashed their creative power

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Yes Google are encouraging children with their competetions. They had lot of creativity.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

I think the logo shows culture of India.. very creative one and I hope children need such competitions often.
Rambabu the picture of Google is beautiful and colourful. I just love it. This is a good creativity.
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