12 years ago
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
India is badly in the grasp of alcoholic drinks. This is the worst aspect of our country.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Though India is not in the list, let me say a few words about my state....
It's a state of 3.5 crore population. In 2 days of Onam celebrations, this state alone spend 200 crore money for alcohol in beverage corporation. This statistics doesn't include third onam or 4th onam...just 2 days. It also doesn't include alcohol consumed from hotels...
My state is drinking a lot!!
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Here are top alcohol consumption countries. Most are in East Europe.
Here are top alcohol consumption countries. Most are in East Europe.
Most of the top alcohol consuming countries are in east Europe. Could you please let me know the reasons behind it?
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
I think Indians also booze a lot. The maximum number of alcoholics in India are in Punjab, followed by Kerala.
I think Indians also booze a lot. The maximum number of alcoholics in India are in Punjab, followed by Kerala.
yes, Kerala is in the list. May be because per-capita income of Keralites is high....
All drinkers can easily give 100-200 everyday from his pockets when he earns 700 or above everyday. :blink: That's the reason :evil: :evil:
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