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13 years ago
Not only implement it but going to give it a all new look. This is working too fast now.
Yes it is working fast but for that we must open mail box.
That is not a problem for me because I can see it any time as my mail box is open and also I have off line facility activated too. Besides I have my mobile enabled with mail and desktop gives me intimation of a new mail alert.
13 years ago
That is not a problem for me because I can see it any time as my mail box is open and also I have off line facility activated too. Besides I have my mobile enabled with mail and desktop gives me intimation of a new mail alert.
As you work 21/7 it is important to open your mail account but it is not possible for others.
As you work 21/7 it is important to open your mail account but it is not possible for others.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
12 years ago
I came to know that we can get PM notifications through our gmail or gtalk. Can anyone tell me how?
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I came to know that we can get PM notifications through our gmail or gtalk. Can anyone tell me how?
I don't know but yesterday I got a message on my gmail from one of the member I think its true they have linked it. :)
12 years ago
I came to know that we can get PM notifications through our gmail or gtalk. Can anyone tell me how?
If some one will send you a message you will be informed by the notification wherever you are. Have you activated your desktop notification feature at your mail options? Otherwise also you get a regular mail there as usual.
12 years ago
I came to know that we can get PM notifications through our gmail or gtalk. Can anyone tell me how?
If some one will send you a message you will be informed by the notification wherever you are. Have you activated your desktop notification feature at your mail options? Otherwise also you get a regular mail there as usual.
I never activated or deactivated any notification here but for the first time I got the notification on Gmail from Boddunan. :blink:
12 years ago
I came to know that we can get PM notifications through our gmail or gtalk. Can anyone tell me how?
If some one will send you a message you will be informed by the notification wherever you are. Have you activated your desktop notification feature at your mail options? Otherwise also you get a regular mail there as usual.
I never activated or deactivated any notification here but for the first time I got the notification on Gmail from Boddunan. :blink:
No, that is a gmail feature I am talking about. Boddunan features have yet to show up.
12 years ago
I came to know that we can get PM notifications through our gmail or gtalk. Can anyone tell me how?
If some one will send you a message you will be informed by the notification wherever you are. Have you activated your desktop notification feature at your mail options? Otherwise also you get a regular mail there as usual.
No..not yet...
How is it done?
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I came to know that we can get PM notifications through our gmail or gtalk. Can anyone tell me how?
If some one will send you a message you will be informed by the notification wherever you are. Have you activated your desktop notification feature at your mail options? Otherwise also you get a regular mail there as usual.
No..not yet...
How is it done?
This option is there in gmail settings where you can activate desktop notifications and offline notifications as well. Try them, I get these notice on any page I am working without going to my email page. Online notification only come while you are logged in your gmail account.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
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