Yesterday Our Apex Court made a land mark judgment. It says premarital sex/ sex between two consenting adults is not adultery or a crime. Will this judgment would cause the increase of westernization in our country? Will this leads to the ruin of our traditional values and faiths ? If this is implemented we will have legalized brothels in our places, then the STD's will reach the remotest place too. I request everybody's thoughtful comments on this matter.
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Some laws and orders are always strange and not digestive to common people's brain.Protests may rise from different corners of the society on this issue.

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We can do one thing.We keep away from such actions eventhough it is not a crime in our country.Then only we may be free from the bad effects of it.

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Let us see the Apex court Judgment from legal angle. The supreme Court has ruled that consensual sex between two adults is not offence. This is the legal position. everything that is considered immoral is not punishable offence. The psoition stated by apex court was always there and nothing is added. Our relations are more guided by social values than by law. As regards adultery, this is an offence in Indian Penal code. However, only sex with another man's wife is offence, which is non cognizable offence and action can be taken against the male offender on complaint by husband of that woman. Sex between unmarried adults or when husband of married woman does not complain, is not unlawful. The prostitution is also not unlawful as such but only advertising or soliciting prostitution is unlawful. Supreme court has said nothing new and social relations depend on social values. There is more westernization in big cities. The villages and small cities are rather more conservative and often we get news about murders on Panchayat's decision against love marriages between same Ghotra or other such things.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We can do one thing.We keep away from such actions eventhough it is not a crime in our country.Then only we may be free from the bad effects of it.
Yes..Good persons will not do it.Law is a only a protection to those who perform it.Others can keep away from such habits.
It is not good to have law for every thing. In that case, our law enforcing machinery and police are over worked and the genuine work of people and justice suffers. The illicit relations between consenting males in private need not take priority over misappropriation of public money, terror and thefts. This is a matter of utilizing our police force and judiciary in optimum way. already courts have huge pending cases and it is not good to burden them with the cases of premarital sex etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I do agree with Gulshan
agree with Gulshan
Now premarital sex is no more taboo. many women aged 19 to 24 tell doctors that they are 'sexually active' and request for prescribing contraceptive pills.
It is high time society and police do not bother about consensual sex relations-premarital or extra marital, homo or lesbian or hetero whatever be.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You are correct Gulshan. When there is lot of other works to do why police wasting there time for these personal things.
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