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I want some loneliness to be calm!! It true, it has proved worth many times!

Meera sandhu
People go out and scream to take their steam out. keeping it in a not good.

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When you are angry on some one it is best to walk out so that there wont be any problem.

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When you are angry on some one it is best to walk out so that there wont be any problem.

Or throw things at your hand reach!!!! :blink: :woohoo: :evil: :whistle: :S :laugh: :cheer: ;) :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
The best way to control is sit in Padmasan take a long breath count backward...100-99-98-97 -96 by the time you reach 70 your anger is gone.

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Listening music, seeing movies, an outing...even a phone call with a friend can help you feel tension less
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Meera sandhu
Listening music, seeing movies, an outing...even a phone call with a friend can help you feel tension less

I think through meditation we calm our selves.
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There are many ways not only meditation but also walking in park.

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Listening to music,thinking, being quite, walking, running, exercising , meditation , praying god

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Praying god is the best one than the others which will relax our mind.

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