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13 years ago
i dont where we middle class people will stand as the price of the fruits and vegetables are touching sky.
i saw near my college there are godowns for putting potatoes and other eatables as well and other things.i saw people throwing the potatoes which were rotten.i felt bad that we are buying it at higher cost in the market and here it has been throwed.the sellers keep them away from our reach and sell them when the prise go high they even dont care if it becomes rotten.
i saw near my college there are godowns for putting potatoes and other eatables as well and other things.i saw people throwing the potatoes which were rotten.i felt bad that we are buying it at higher cost in the market and here it has been throwed.the sellers keep them away from our reach and sell them when the prise go high they even dont care if it becomes rotten.
13 years ago
It happens in godowns things get rotten and thrown which we buy it at higher price from the market.Recent example was of wheat which is getting damaged due to shortages of bags in which they are supposed to be packed. :evil:
13 years ago
That is bad for us.. This will shoot up pricing here which are already on sky...
Just wait and watch, petrol is going to touch 100'liter soon. Things are getting out of hands.
13 years ago
Whooosh... Indian money is losing its value day by day. Even the beggar in USA might be richer than the Indian middle class families as their 1 dollar means our 54 rupees. :(
13 years ago
But yesterday in news our Indian government decided to increase the value of rupee. I have no idea how they do it but they have announced it
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Another bad news guys the petrol price is hiking rs 5. This will be announced at the end of this month.
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13 years ago
This is good news for peopl outside th india but it is bad news for indian economy..........
13 years ago
This is good news for peopl outside th india but it is bad news for indian economy..........
This had touched almost 56 a couple of days back. That was almost 25% depreciation in its cost within a few weeks.
13 years ago
Value of rupee is depreciating day by day. I don't know what's going to happen next!!
Meera sandhu
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