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12 years ago
You see if some one takes other's success for motivation there wont arise lots of problems. I never feel jealous toward any one.
I am jealous of you too but that's the reason I try hard to earn online as per my potential. :woohoo:
You are most welcome to feel more jealous. But I am not jealous of your offline job but wish you to bypass your boss. :) :)
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
12 years ago
SJ, I said about the jealous of the negative side, what you said is the positive side of the jealousy
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
Why should any one think the negative side of a problem. One should always remain positive to never feel bad in any case.
12 years ago
Sunil ji, elders says that before doing or thinking anything, we should think on both sides that is negative and positive side
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
Why should any one think the negative side of a problem. One should always remain positive to never feel bad in any case.
Every Negative thought has been generated by us. Until and unless, we won't think positive, nothing is going to happen. The life works on the law of Attraction. If you will feel happy, then you are going to attract happiness and if you are going to feel bad, then bad things will be attracted.
We should not waste time in complaining. Think positive and you will feel difference.
Start from Zero and believe me, you will get your path to achieve what you want.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
Sunil ji, elders says that before doing or thinking anything, we should think on both sides that is negative and positive side
Yes we must think twice when we are going to any thing.
Yes we must think twice when we are going to any thing.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
12 years ago
But sasikanth, we should think twice, but most of it we should think positively. Then only we will get good positive result
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
Sunil ji, elders says that before doing or thinking anything, we should think on both sides that is negative and positive side
Yes we must think twice when we are going to any thing.
Think twice or thrice that is someone's personal choice but while all the thinking has been done this is positive thinking that brings a result, a positive result.
12 years ago
But sasikanth, we should think twice, but most of it we should think positively. Then only we will get good positive result
Madamji, you are learning very fast. :) :)
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
yes, ronark, such important things should be learnt as much as possible that much fast or else it will be late
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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