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The sowrashtra means hindi I think in my child hood I heard about pradamika and madyamika.

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The sowrashtra means hindi I think in my child hood I heard about pradamika and madyamika.

what is it???
We have Hindi prachaar sabha? Is it something like that?

Meera sandhu
Sir you are talking about Pradamika and madyamika.But i am confused about the meaning of these two words............
Sir you are talking about Pradamika and madyamika.But i am confused about the meaning of these two words............

These may be 'Prathamika' and 'madhyamika'. These are 'primary' and 'middle' level courses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

These two are hindi speaking courses but I dont know any one is studying them or not.

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These two are hindi speaking courses but I dont know any one is studying them or not.

I think the courses Prathmika, madhymika and Pragya were designed for non Hindi speaking people. My father passed the Pragya examination during central government service according to government scheme for teaching Hindi to all government employees. Now most people know Hindi.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

bhatho - orria
bojan - hindi
meals - english
Sapatu - tamil
khana - hindi
Bhojanam - telugu

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I know Tamil if any one has any question regarding this you are welcome.
I know Tamil if any one has any question regarding this you are welcome.

Are you from Tamil Nadu? If so, Kannan will be happy

Meera sandhu
No i am not from Tamil Nadu.I have little bit of knowledge.......I am not master of Tamil language.............
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