IIM Plans to Map Dhoni's Brain.



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it is a good idea to read dhoni mind because it help to know how winning captain loose so many matches one after one.
dhoni is assumed to be very intelligent so now tis the time to track his brain.
One should really appreciate his cool nature,the rest depends on entire team we can not blame him completely. :)
So everything surrounds around his cool nature and the amount of success and fame he achieved and its very humble on his part to agree to the so called brain mapping. Definitely he is the captain cool and during the time of crisis he stays calm and that is one of his mantras to be so successful in whatever he does....!
It does not appear that exercise like brain mapping could be of much help. This is more a matter of mental training than physical chemistry of brain. One may acquire better planning skill, keeping his mind cool and patience by self motivation, which any brain mapping will not reveal.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Can anyone explain me what is this Brain mapping and why IIM planing to map the Dhoni's Brain

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Its a new information to me about brain mapping.Thanks for sharing it.
We are waiting the result of brain maping and the way to keep cool.

What is the need of it at present?It is not so much to be projected.The team won by team effort and captain had more credit of it.

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Can anyone explain me what is this Brain mapping and why IIM planing to map the Dhoni's Brain

Brain mapping is scientific technique to study brain. This is only a study of physical aspect of brain.


It is doubtful that brain mapping could get any result. This has less to do with physical aspect and more with practice of management techniques. You cannot tell why a racer runs faster just by X ray of his legs. You cannot tell how a dancer does her best just by diagnosing her legs. Most of our body parts are similar but we acquire capability of different type by sheer practice, hard work and better training.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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