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Anna says he will not join politics. what else is he doing. If one indulges in politics, he is politician. what ana is doing is very much politics. Contesting elections is not the only political activity. even many political party leaders and activists do not contest elections. saying no to politics while campaigning for enacting law and electoral reform is like a whore talking chastity

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

As far as I understand, Anna movement was a conspiracy against Rahul Gandhi. They want to mare his reputation after mahapanchayat.
Regarding other anti social activities, loafars and eve-teasers would never change. They treat women as animals. They wait for situation to do so. And may be they want to make people hate the government and security system. This is politics.
[quote]As far as I understand, Anna movement was a conspiracy against Rahul Gandhi. They want to mare his reputation after mahapanchayat.
Regarding other anti social activities, loafars and eve-teasers would never change. They treat women as animals. They wait for situation to do so. And may be they want to make people hate the government and security system. This is politics. [/quote]

I disagree! Asking for Lokpal bill has nothing to do with Rahul Gandhi. This bill has been brought into discussions time and again and each time even though approved by all had been rejected in the Rajya sabha by ruling party, which usually always was congress.

As regards with all the other antisocial activities such as eve teasing mainly, New Delhi is supposed to the be doing the honors of topping these heinous acts against women in the entire country. Imagine the irony of it, NEW DELHI - the capital of the country and the seat of the ultimate power in India, ruled by Congress, whose brand ambassador or crown prince is Rahul Gandhi! what is he or his party members is doing to stop this right under their noses?? Or is it that these activities are carried out by their own goons!

It is very wrong to now demand that Anna Hazare should now stand up against all of it! Stop maligning someone like him who has the guts to stand up and demand an end to the circus that has been going on all these years!

For all those love Rahul Gandhi merely for his good looks and charming smile should do better to know more about him - an ex-drug addict and a CITIZEN OF ITALY NOT INDIA, caught a couple of years back at an American airport with his Columbian girlfriend trying to smuggle more than a 100,000 dollars in cash! WHY THE HELL IS HE BEING PROJECTED AS A LEADER?? :angry: :angry: :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Anna movement is definitely not against Rahul Gandhi. However this is not genuine. Those participating in his movement are thoroughly corrupt, black marketeers, economic offenders. even the school managers who conduct contract mass copying in Board Examination participated in so called anti corruption movement.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks for making me understand this. I have written what I read in comments and articles. I apologise.
Anna Hazare's movement against the all-pervasive corruption in public life.

Be positive
[quote]Thanks for making me understand this. I have written what I read in comments and articles. I apologise. [/quote]

Hey Devyani, you don't have to apologize. I just wanted to point out how successfully Rahul Gandhi is being projected as a future PM in spite of so many irregularities in his character and in his means to achieve the top position. Whereas Anna movement has simply rocked people off of feet and awoken them to do something about the corruption. Or else that time is not far when we will be going the way that many African countries are going!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks for making me understand this. I have written what I read in comments and articles. I apologise.

I congratulate you on writing your views boldly. There is nothing to apologize about. It is not necessary that we always agree with each other. But every one should give views freely, honestly and fearlessly without causing needless hurt to others.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Anna Hazare is in combative mood. Now he openly opposes Congress and his links with BJP are more open. He has no patience to wait for parliamentary process for enactment of Lok Pal Bill. No doubt, team Anna is negative minded and has no faith in democratic and constitutional process.

On the othe hand, Rahul Gandhi is showing more maturity. He has well commented that corruption can be fought only constitutionally and within frame work of constitution. The youth intending to fight corruption and assert their democratic rights and participation should better join active politics rather than being part of anarchist anna mob.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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