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13 years ago
Hmmm..but i never said it that practice make a man perfect. :laugh:
No this is not you but some one else whom I read today only. On reading this I am trying to practice more and more.
13 years ago
OK do it i will ask you after ask you after 3~4 hours how to reduce 2 kg weight in a week. :laugh:
13 years ago
OK do it i will ask you after ask you after 3~4 hours how to reduce 2 kg weight in a week. :laugh:
I can reduce 2kg in a week, I would only have to make a little more practice with my push-ups.
13 years ago
But i asked you to calculate it from trigonometry don't change the topic suny. :laugh:
13 years ago
But i asked you to calculate it from trigonometry don't change the topic suny. :laugh:
You know the problem I can solve with using my body why should I disturb my mind for that? I am good at using my muscle power as well. :laugh:
13 years ago
Oh Sandhay now i am sure that women always try to hide their age. :laugh:
MY DOB is june 1st and I will become 33 :(
No recent photo was there, that looks good. Actually I won't face a camera. In Sari, all women appears more aged...it's true....particularly in her wedding sari :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
But my husband is saying I am looking more good now, than before, in that photo, when I asked him just before uploading that photo.... :P :P :P because I have taken four teeth and done....what it's called :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: So face has changed a little bit. But now Boddunan has made me increase 2 kgs.
2 kgs is not too much you can reduce it in a week. :laugh:
Yes, of course...1 month may be necessary...every day, I determine in my mind.... I will restart using thread mill today onwards..... but never able to do so.... due to laziness...even today ;)
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Common Sandhya one has to be active if he/she wants to reduce weight this is the basic. :)
13 years ago
Common Sandhya one has to be active if he/she wants to reduce weight this is the basic. :)
You mean being active helps reduce the weight. Look I am active here for 80 days but not a gram is reduced. :laugh:
13 years ago
Common Sandhya one has to be active if he/she wants to reduce weight this is the basic. :)
You mean being active helps reduce the weight. Look I am active here for 80 days but not a gram is reduced. :laugh:
No i mean by being lazy you gain weight try this one also and tell how many Kgs you gain. :laugh:
13 years ago
No, I have neither gained nor lost. I was 73kg before and still 73 kg. I may have been super active or super lazy to make it balanced.
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