How much yearly turnover of Boddunan
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This question came in my mind when i joined this site... now I hope I will get the answer.

Harish Jharia
Dear Amita and harish Boddunan is new site and as all of you know last month they declare there revenue for the month of november was around $107 you can multiply that with 12 that means currently there annual turnover is $1200 which is so minimum earning .
We have to work hard to increase there turn over and our earnings also
Hi All,

As said by Soubhagya, you can calculate the minimum revenue approximately. However, as the member participation is getting increased it could be more.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Dear Amita I think you want to know the profitability of this site do not worry Internet business is growing too fast and Members like you just need to concentrate in some particular site to earn some money and learn knowledge stay active here and after 2-3 month you will feel proud to be member here
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