my articles got approval till i have not received any cash credits.... two days before i got the approval of articles....
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Pls anybody can tell me what is happening and why i am not getting cash credits for that........
I'm sure others must also be facing this issue. Maverick is on vacation and the support team as well. Thats why there is a delay in awarding the cash credits but no need to worry, you'll get them. It might take a little time though.
First, if your articles are approved and you also got points but no cash, then it means that the articles will not get any cash but only points may be because the article is too small etc.

Second, if the articles are approved, but points and cash are not updated, it might take some time to correct it and update the same.
Articles are approved by editor and points and cash credits by support team.They are now on vacation and hence delay may occur.

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I think we have to wait till they are back. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
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