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Hello Friends,

The following are the question and answer; when a member asked me as follows:

My answer:


You have written "hOW the HEK we caN maKE mONEy oVER herree......" is not English by any angle.

Write original contents.
Do not use slang.
Write proper English.
Write full words and full sentences.
write meaningful articles and post it to Article section of Boddunan.
You will get points and cash credits depending on your quality of content.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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People usually do not spend less time in reading the resources available and waste more time asking the same things again and again. We have placed each and every resource available to all and getting the same questions again and again. :(

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

you are absolutely right.
Thanks,now i get an idea about how to make money?
But these days the rules have been changed they don't give points for the articles though they have increased the rate of cash credits on the articles. :)
But these days the rules have been changed they don't give points for the articles though they have increased the rate of cash credits on the articles. :)

Any special reason for digging old threads?

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