11 years ago
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11 years ago
Please write the entire article in Boddunan editor. Copy paste from M.S. word is not allowed. It appears that M.S. word is not compatible to internet. Hence the rule.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: Roshan Ahmed, RobertP
11 years ago
It is perhaps not permitted as the possibility of articles being lifted from elsewhere and pasted arises. This will lead to plagiarism. So the author has to type in the space provided by Boddunan.
11 years ago
Please write the entire article in Boddunan editor. Copy paste from M.S. word is not allowed. It appears that M.S. word is not compatible to internet. Hence the rule.
So should I start from the scratch for the article that has been rejected. Can I use some other applications like Notepad in windows. Typing in a browser scares me because we never know when an application crashes!
11 years ago
Please write the entire article in Boddunan editor. Copy paste from M.S. word is not allowed. It appears that M.S. word is not compatible to internet. Hence the rule.
So should I start from the scratch for the article that has been rejected. Can I use some other applications like Notepad in windows. Typing in a browser scares me because we never know when an application crashes!
Yes please you should, just change the name of your article, paste it on notepad and then resubmit it. Please format in word wrap and see that no space is left on top or under the article on boddunan editor before clicking "submit" button, thanks.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, RobertP
11 years ago
It is perhaps not permitted as the possibility of articles being lifted from elsewhere and pasted arises. This will lead to plagiarism. So the author has to type in the space provided by Boddunan.
It is not about the issue of copying and pasting from other sources that using Word is prohibited, but by pasting article from Word results in tedious html tags getting attached to the article and it becomes a long job for us to clean it up. Only that reason and nothing else!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
It is perhaps not permitted as the possibility of articles being lifted from elsewhere and pasted arises. This will lead to plagiarism. So the author has to type in the space provided by Boddunan.
It is not about the issue of copying and pasting from other sources that using Word is prohibited, but by pasting article from Word results in tedious html tags getting attached to the article and it becomes a long job for us to clean it up. Only that reason and nothing else!
I stand corrected.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
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