11 years ago
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11 years ago
What can we do with Boddunan points? What is the use of these points? I failed to understand. Please tell me if you know the answer. :( B)
The same answer
11 years ago
Your reputation on the site is measured by number of points. Just see what your reputation is in your profile. Also the weekly leader award and boddunan revenue share are based on points. I have the pleasure of having highest reputation on the site.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
The more points you have the better are your chances of earning. 1000 points means one share. So the more points you have the better are your chances of earning. Moreover you can go to the faq to more about it.
11 years ago
Apoorva I hope you have now understood the importance of points. Let me write few more things along with it.
Here you can earn only money in a category like "polls". If you want more money you should score points as many as you can. Your points gets converted to money. The list of points and scoring categories is mentioned in the FAQ.
In case of further doubts, post your forums.
Here you can earn only money in a category like "polls". If you want more money you should score points as many as you can. Your points gets converted to money. The list of points and scoring categories is mentioned in the FAQ.
In case of further doubts, post your forums.
11 years ago
What can we do with Boddunan points? What is the use of these points? I failed to understand. Please tell me if you know the answer. :( B)
Warm Welcome Apporva! Boddunan points help you earn money. Read FAQ.
Born to express, not to impress.
11 years ago
Now the question has been answered. So the topic is closed.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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